All our consultants are very experience MBBs who have worked on many many projects, delivering significant benefits for the clients. They come from a variety of company background from around the World, so they understand needs of organisations in all continents and cultural backgrounds.


Matthew Gracie - UK

Chris McCann - UK

Jim Vallance - UK

Steve Alsop - UK

George Bowers - UK

Frank Dotman - Netherlands & Belgium

Alberto Canali, Ph.D. - France & Italy

Thomas Schröder - Germany


Rob Elliott - North America

Sanj Joshi - North America

Ademir J. Petenate, Ph.D. - South America

Africa & Asia

Enrico De Fillippo - North Africa

Wisdom Sun - Greater China

Sherman Yap - Southeast Asia

James Digges - Australasia

Global Business Excellence Delivery Capability